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Radio Society of Great Britain
National ARDF Event
Sunday 29th September


The event will take place at the Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee (QEDJ) Woods, Ibstock. Click here for a map showing the location.

The key elements are as follows:

- there will be two competitions. In the morning there will be an 80m competition. At 1300, in a diffrent part of the woods, there will be a 2m event.

- the 80m event will be suitable for participants who have entered the Regional 80m events. There is then the opportunity for these same individuals to try 2m ARDF after lunch and there will be a limited number of loan receivers available for this band.

- this will be the final event in the 2024 East Midlands series. There will be a presentation to the winner and runner-up in the 80m individual league. This will take place at the end of the morning competition.

- proof of visit to each transmitter will use Sport Ident punching. SI 'dibbers' can be hired for £1

- The fee to enter either one of the two events will be £3 and to enter both events £5


1000 Registration opens. Information sheets available for all competitors
1030 First starter on 80m.
1130 Last starter on 80m
1300 First starter on 2m.
1400 Last starter on 2m Time allowed for each of the courses is 150 minutes. (If you are over this time you will be classified below anyone inside the time even if you have found more transmitters)


Competitors are responsible for their own safety and take part at their own risk.
A whistle should be carried and the emergency signal is 6 short blasts on the whistle, repeated at one minute intervals.
The area is used by walkers, for dog-walking and by the general public. Please be courteous to all other users in the woods.

Enquiries and requests for loan receivers.
