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Radio Society of Great Britain
Tunnel & Gresley Woods, Swadlincote
Sunday 9th June 2024

A 5 transmitter classic 80m ARDF event in part of the National Forest. The area is a combination of old woodland which has been complemented by new planting and this is now maturing well for orienteering and direction finding.

Location and Parking:
The car park is south of Albert Village, near Swadlincote.

Click here for a map extract showing the location.

Format of Event

A 5 Transmitter 80m course, with the provision for newcomers to plot a set of bearings on the five transmitters before crossing the start line. The transmitters will operate in a 5 minute cycle. Transmitters will be at least 300m from the start and finish and at least 300m from each other. Proof of visiting each transmitter is with Control Cards and needle punches. There will be a 15cm 'kite' at each transmitter site.

If you are a newcomer and wish to participate in the provision for taking bearings prior to crossing the start line, please commence taking your bearings 15 minutes before you wish to cross the start line.
There will be a mentor on hand to help you to master the operation of the receiver and to check that you are 'good to go' with a decent set of bearings plotted on your map.

1:10,000 with 5m contours printed on A4 waterproof paper.

1030 Course opens. Starts at 5 minute intervals. Time limit 150 minutes.
1430 Course closes.

In accordance with the informality of the event the organisers will not require you to deposit your receiver in a pound before the transmitters start sending. They do expect you to respect the spirit of this concession by refraining from using your receiver until reporting to officials in the start area and then only under their supervision.

Competitors are responsible for their own safety and take part at their own risk.
A whistle should be carried and the emergency signal is 6 short blasts on the whistle, repeated at one minute intervals.
The area is used by walkers, for dog-walking and by the general public. Please be courteous to all other users in the wood.

Loan Equipment
Receivers for 3.5MHz are available on loan. Contact the organiser (E Mail below) to reserve one.
Please provide your own headphones (3.5mm three way plug)

There are no facilities.

E Mail: ardf.chairman@rsgb.org.uk